"When I think about my therapy sessions with Sarah it makes me want to cry - in a good way. I almost can't even put into words how thankful I am for her, how much her approach and care helped me through almost 8 months of EMDR, which is in its nature an incredibly hard therapy. The space that Sarah created was safe, free of judgement, and so full of compassion. She's given me tools that I will use throughout my life, and the way she untangled and explained everything that I was going through with so much clarity has really stayed with me, and still helps me day to day. I'll never forget what I went through, but Sarah has gotten me to a place that I didn't ever think would be possible. EMDR is a therapy I would definitely recommend, and especially one I would recommend to be done with Sarah."


The Rose May Practice


"When I think about my therapy sessions with Sarah it makes me want to cry - in a good way. I almost can't even put into words how thankful I am for her, how much her approach and care helped me through almost 8 months of EMDR, which is in its nature an incredibly hard therapy. The space that Sarah created was safe, free of judgement, and so full of compassion. She's given me tools that I will use throughout my life, and the way she untangled and explained everything that I was going through with so much clarity has really stayed with me, and still helps me day to day. I'll never forget what I went through, but Sarah has gotten me to a place that I didn't ever think would be possible. EMDR is a therapy I would definitely recommend, and especially one I would recommend to be done with Sarah."